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Welcome. We have been expecting you.

Whether you have been sent, referred, or have stumbled upon this by accident, I, Reiis Invadator, welcome you to your new journey. Here, you will find four of guides discussing the art of roleplaying and dueling (go back to Home or click Training to begin). Below is a short Q&A about what this site is and offers.

Who is this for?

This is for text-based roleplayers of all fandoms, but you will notice that I have focused on Star Wars because that is where I found my start. This has zero relationship to dice or board games of any sort. Rules and procedures will vary depending on who is running the game. There are many different ways to organize a duel or game, so always check with your game organizer or dueling partner(s) to make sure you know the rules.

What are the training levels?

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Dueling Training. Each is designed to teach a different level or aspect of roleplaying or dueling. Descriptions can be found in Training or the Home page.

How do I best use this training guide?

By taking it honestly and thoroughly. The main person you're hurting by skimming and skipping is yourself. Especially if your master/trainer/game manager has referred you here, they expect you to learn the content. Treat this like a mini-job and pay attention to what is being said. There are plenty of examples to guide you and plenty of explanation for why each is the way it is. Even for those who consider themselves to be intermediate or advanced players, I strongly suggest you start from the beginning. You may very well be surprised. I highly recommend to NOT complete this in one sitting. Take breaks, review, come back. It helps, seriously.

Who are you?

My official title is General Reiis Invadator, Dark Lord of the Sith, Head of House Cruor, and Marauder General of the Black Legions. You can just call me The General, if you want, because that's a mouthful. I'm a duelist, roleplayer, Sith and regular ol' human being. I have been roleplaying and dueling for a number of years, and decided I wanted to create one central location by which to impart this information.

So...can I email you for personal training?

No, I bite.


Seriously, this is why I created the site. One-on-one training is always best, but it's very time-consuming. These pages will give you the best that can be given in this format. You can always email if you want to make suggestions, have very specific questions not already answered in this training (though I hope I covered everything), notice typos (much appreciated!) or just have general questions. You can email me in the Contact section in the menu above. I read these emails nearly daily, and I WILL get back to you. Just be patient.

Good luck, or as us Star Wars people say, May the Force be with You!

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